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IBE for students

A message from the Rector

Lyubov Yakovleva, Rector of IBE

Dear entrants!

The «hot» time is coming for you: finishing school and taking the first important decision in your life such as who am I going to be, and where should I study?
It is difficult to imagine a teenager who is aware of his abilities that might make him professionally successful man!
It is known that 70% of people are not satisfied with their job and professional activities. But there are educational institutions the main purpose of which is to secure your successful and professional future. The graduates of such institutes don’t stop being grateful to their teachers and professors for knowledge that helps them to be in great professional demand and to be self-sufficient specialists in all aspects of life. And our Institute of International Business Education, although being a small one, has already won great recognition from the employers. The fact that it is small and private shouldn’t also embarrass you (in the western countries all the best schools are private and in Russia such schools are private already exist), since it is our completive advantage (Rolls Royce is not made on a production line). Today 60% of the students pay for their education but most of our graduates? In contrast with the graduates of other institutes, return the tuition fee within less than one year because they gain observing and demanded profession. And, as the result, they usually get in interesting and highly-paid job.
HAVEN’T YOU MADE A DECISION WHERE TO STUDY?! HAVE YOU MADE A RIGHT CHOICE?! Having been successful for 17 years we proved, that our Institute is for worthy people! JOIN US! It will be one of the most right decisions in your life!


Yours sincerely, I wish you to make — THE RIGHT FIRST CHOICE IN YOUR LIFE!

Lyubov V. Yakovleva, Rector of IBE




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